Exclusive Event - Google, Red Hot Penny & TIE Kinetix - 17 October 2017


On Tuesday, October 17th, from 12:30 to 17:00 BST, Google, Red Hot Penny and TIE Kinetix will be hosting an exclusive event at the Google office in London. Michelin, for the first time ever, will be joining us as a special guest to personally discuss the many benefits of Google AdWords for Channel.  This event will conclude with drinks and snacks for a networking session beginning at 17:00.

As this meeting is exclusive (Max: 60 people) we can give access to 2 people per organization. Sign up soon because full means full.

This event will address the following questions:

  • How can you, as a brand, run centralized Google AdWords campaigns together with your partners (resellers/dealers) to generate leads without competing against each other?
  • Which role do you have as a brand, and what is the role of your partners regarding the execution of Google AdWords campaigns throughout the entire customer journey?
  • What have we learned from common practice when it comes to running successful Google AdWords campaigns in support of the entire customer journey, through collaboration between a brand and its partners (resellers/dealers)?

Special Guest: Michelin
Michelin will talk personally about how Google AdWords for the Channel benefited their brand by increasing their lead generation and gaining a higher return on investment together with their partners, through a centralized Google AdWords solution. 

Agenda for October 17th:
13:00: Welcome

13:15: Industry Trends and Importance of Local Search

13:45: Google AdWords for Channel - Concrete Learnings and Best Practices
Emile van de Klok - TIE Kinetix

14:45: Break

15:00: Case Study Michelin + Q&A

15:30: How to run successful campaigns together with your Resellers - Best Practice
Russ Powell - Red Hot Penny

16:00: Workshop and Discussion

17:00:  Drinks and Snacks

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 17th.